Ranking | Place | Place (US) | Your Value |
Global Score Players ranked by global score, lowest to highest |
106 → | 97 → | 753 |
Score per Minute Players ranked by highest score per minute ratio |
73 → | 59 → | 0.9110 |
Win-Loss Ratio Players ordered by their win to loss standing |
74 → | 66 → | 0.9286 |
Kill-Death Ratio Players sorted by who get the most kills per death |
82 → | 75 → | 0.8024 |
Knife KDR Players ranked by their skill with a knife |
102 → | 95 → | 0.2857 |
Sniper Accuracy Players ranked by their accuracy with a Sniper Rifle |
1 → | 1 → | 0.0000 |
Hours per Day Players ranked the number of hours per day they play |
104 → | 97 → | 0.1236 |
Command Score Players ranked the their Commander score |
12 → | 3 → | 0 |
Relative Command Score Players ranked by Commander Points / Command score |
12 → | 3 → | 0 |
Stat | Per Round | Per Minute | Per Hour | Per Day | Per Kill | Per Death |
Gold, Silver, Bronze Stars | 0.0741 | 0.0024 | 0.1452 | 3.4843 | 0.0075 | 0.0060 |
Awards | 0.4444 | 0.0145 | 0.8711 | 20.9058 | 0.0448 | 0.0359 |
Kills | 9.9259 | 0.3242 | 19.4540 | 466.8952 | 1.0000 | 0.8024 |
Deaths | 12.3704 | 0.4041 | 24.2449 | 581.8768 | 1.2463 | 1.0000 |
Time | 1,836.8148 | 60.0000 | 3,600.0000 | 86,400.0000 | 185.0522 | 148.4850 |
Team Kills | 0.8519 | 0.0278 | 1.6696 | 40.0694 | 0.0858 | 0.0689 |
Flag points | 3.3704 | 0.1101 | 6.6056 | 158.5353 | 0.3396 | 0.2725 |
Team Points | 8.6296 | 0.2819 | 16.9133 | 405.9201 | 0.8694 | 0.6976 |
Combat Points | 19.2593 | 0.6291 | 37.7465 | 905.9160 | 1.9403 | 1.5569 |
Score | 27.8889 | 0.9110 | 54.6598 | 1,311.8361 | 2.8097 | 2.2545 |