Ranking | Place | Place (US) | Your Value |
Global Score Players ranked by global score, lowest to highest |
99 → | 89 → | 1,011 |
Score per Minute Players ranked by highest score per minute ratio |
88 → | 72 → | 0.8793 |
Win-Loss Ratio Players ordered by their win to loss standing |
48 → | 41 → | 1.0625 |
Kill-Death Ratio Players sorted by who get the most kills per death |
86 → | 77 → | 0.8102 |
Knife KDR Players ranked by their skill with a knife |
78 → | 75 → | 0.8333 |
Sniper Accuracy Players ranked by their accuracy with a Sniper Rifle |
1 → | 1 → | 0.0000 |
Hours per Day Players ranked the number of hours per day they play |
89 → | 83 → | 0.1486 |
Command Score Players ranked the their Commander score |
12 → | 3 → | 0 |
Relative Command Score Players ranked by Commander Points / Command score |
12 → | 3 → | 0 |
Stat | Per Round | Per Minute | Per Hour | Per Day | Per Kill | Per Death |
Gold, Silver, Bronze Stars | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 | 0.0000 |
Awards | 0.2727 | 0.0078 | 0.4697 | 11.2720 | 0.0237 | 0.0192 |
Kills | 11.5152 | 0.3305 | 19.8304 | 475.9295 | 1.0000 | 0.8102 |
Deaths | 14.2121 | 0.4079 | 24.4749 | 587.3973 | 1.2342 | 1.0000 |
Time | 2,090.4545 | 60.0000 | 3,600.0000 | 86,400.0000 | 181.5395 | 147.0896 |
Team Kills | 0.7879 | 0.0226 | 1.3568 | 32.5636 | 0.0684 | 0.0554 |
Flag points | 3.1515 | 0.0905 | 5.4273 | 130.2544 | 0.2737 | 0.2217 |
Team Points | 8.5758 | 0.2461 | 14.7684 | 354.4423 | 0.7447 | 0.6034 |
Combat Points | 22.0606 | 0.6332 | 37.9909 | 911.7808 | 1.9158 | 1.5522 |
Score | 30.6364 | 0.8793 | 52.7593 | 1,266.2231 | 2.6605 | 2.1557 |